Application Process for ÖTILLÖ 2025
Are you dreaming of participating in ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship?
The application process for ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2025, is now open. All 850 athletes of the 2024 Swimrun Ranking should have received an email with a link to apply. If you are part of the ranking and did not receive the email, please feel free to contact [email protected]. The application period is open until January 14, 2025. Make sure to apply on time, as the link will no longer be active after this date.
Starting on January 15, 2025, the points of both athletes on each team will be combined, and the teams with the highest total points will be invited to confirm their spot in ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2025. The allocation of spots across categories will be based on the percentage of applications received for each category.
On February 2, 2025, ÖTILLÖ will announce the qualified teams during Swimrun Christmas. This is an exciting moment when all the qualified teams will be revealed! Each qualified team will receive an invitation link to confirm their participation, which will be valid for four weeksTeams that do not complete their registration within this period will lose their spot, which will then be offered to the next team in line.
You are not Part of the ranking?
If you are not part of our ranking system but can prove your quality as a Swimrunner to justify a participation at ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship, you can apply for a WILD CARD. Please send your application combined with a detailed documentation of your capacity as a Swimrunner to [email protected] before April 2025.