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July 20th, 2020

Important update: The 2020 ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Season

Dear Racers, friends and family,

Over the past months we have done everything in our powers to try to make this season work. We have come up with new scenarios every week and adjusted constantly to all the new regulations. We are still living on the motto of keeping the dream alive. On July 13th we finally got a positive decision from the Swedish authorities to go ahead with ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2020 based on our adjusted Covid-19 safety management plan. On July 17th we got contacted again with a reversal of the above decision, The authorities withdrew their permission for the event. The authorities are basing their decision on the fact that the general public has access to the race course and we therefore cannot call it a ”by invitation only” activity. We have tried everything possible to salvage the event.

This means that our 15th ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2020 is cancelled. Hopefully we will be able to host it on September 6th, 2021 provided that the situation in the world has improved. In terms of all other events we will continue to monitor the situation around Europe and we will communicate a minimum of four (4) weeks ahead of each event with how we will proceed.

Keep the dream alive!
Michael, Mats and the whole ÖTILLÖ team.


We will reimburse all racers registered to the race with 95% of what you have paid as agreed. You need to email us at [email protected] before August 31st, 2020. As you understand, we will get inundated with emails and we will handle each one in due time.

The following 25 teams can keep their spot until 2021: The 9 podium teams from 2019, the 15 7/24 teams currently in the start list for 2020, the Musikhjälpen team – Charity 2019

All other teams will have to either qualify via the ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Series to ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2021 or apply via ranking or via Director’s choice.

Spot distribution for ÖTILLÖ, The Swimrun World Championship 2021: ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Series Engadin 2020 – 6 spots, ÖTILLÖ Swimrun World Series 2020 and 2021 – 6 spots at each event, Ranking points on December 31st, 2020  – 60 spots, Directors Choice – The amount of spots after the above have been distributed to make a grand total of 160 teams.


The ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Sprint Final 15K is on! We will make a weekend out of it. The course will be modified to meet the requirements of the authorities and to make a Covid-19 responsible Swimrun weekend at Utö. This will be possible as the course is much shorter than the World Championship course. We will provide more information before the end of this week. We hope to see many of you there so we can make it fantastic swimrun weekend together!


We will as previously mentioned communicate four (4) weeks before each race weekend with what the status of the race is, how we will manage it and what the consequences are. We realize that this is short notice but we do not have a choice based on the constant changes of the conditions. This coming weekend we will host the beautiful ÖTILLÖ Swimrun Engadin weekend!